Transcribing podcasts

From Sterbal's Sundry Studies

Check out how NPR does it

research what Security Now does

Figure out how Youtube does it.

query to vendors[edit]

Actually I was hoping you all used a recording off the website, where both the audio recording and the text are in the public domain.

Please call me at 412-977-3526 if you would like to discuss this idea further.

Thanks, Robert Sterbal 412-977-3526 call/text


benkwalker 21 HOURS AGO
Full disclosure.  My name is Ben Walker and I am the CEO and Founder for Transcription Outsourcing, LLC in Denver.  I would like to see the results of this experiment and video if possible because I have a very hard time believing the conclusion this article is implying.  

We've typed thousands of interviews across many different industries and I can promise you a computer would never even come close to as accurate as a human being can.  Why don't you show us the results to back up your conclusions?


I called the office at 720-287-3710, and spoke to the person who answered the phone.