Lamb v Saccone

From Sterbal's Sundry Studies
Issue Lamb Saccone
Church and State "I believe in the separation of church and state." "We're gonna take this separation of church and state to court."
The National Debt
Military action against North Korea
Minimum wage
Gender pay gap
Trade agreements
Opioid epidemic
Racism, misogyny
Immigration, the wall
LGBT rights
Renewable energy vs. fossil fuels
1st amendment rights
Climate change
Environment, clean air, clean water
Job training and support for displaced workers
Work requirements for Medicaid recipients
SS, Medicare, Medicaid
Healthcare for all?
The national debt

--Taxes: Does Saccone vote for people-friendly policies or business-friendly policies? For example, did he vote for a severance tax on drillers in the latest PA budget? --The national debt, which will rise under the GOP’s tax bill --Education, funding for public schools and state institutions. What about public vs. charter schools? --Healthcare for all? --SS, Medicare, Medicaid --Work requirements for Medicaid recipients --Job training and support for displaced workers --Environment, clean air, clean water --Climate change --1st amendment rights, freedom from religion --Renewable energy vs. fossil fuels --LGBT rights --Immigration, the wall --Racism, misogyny --Opioid epidemic—how to handle? --Trade agreements, such as NAFTA? (PA farmers could be hurt if NAFTA falls apart) --Gender pay gap --Minimum wage --Military action against North Korea